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Governance and Administration

The Institution has a governing board, advisory board responsible for the quality and integrity of the Institution. The Institution has an administrative staff of appropriate size to enable the Institution to achieve its goals and is organized to provide appropriate administrative services. Governance structures and systems ensure appropriate roles for the board, administration, academic staff, supporting staff, and students, and facilitate effective communication among the Institution's constituencies.

(Click here to access Organizational Structure Diagram ........)


  1. Governing Board


The BESHA Community Organization
This is the governing board and principal policy-making organ of the Institute, adhering to policy of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE).

This body is the decision maker on all issues concerning finance, staff, assets, development and progress of the Institute and assumes a leadership role.

The membership represents a cross section of people capable and interested in the promotion of technical education


  1. The governing board is an independent policy-making board capable of reflecting the public interest in board activities and decisions. It has a mechanism for providing for continuity of board membership and staggered terms of office.
  2. It ensures that the educational programme is of high quality.
  3. It is responsible for overseeing the financial health and integrity of the Institution.
  4. It ensures that Institutional practices are consistent with the board-approved Institutional mission statement and policies.
  5. It establishes broad Institutional policies and appropriately delegates responsibility to implement these policies. The governing board regularly evaluates its policies and practices and revises them as necessary.
  6. In keeping with its vision and mission, the Governing board, as the case may be, selects and evaluates the chief executive officer/Managing Director and confirms the appointment of other major academic and administrative officers.
  7. The size, duties, responsibilities, ethical conduct requirements, structure and operating procedures, as well as processes for assessing the performance of the governing board are clearly defined in the prospectus. The board acts in a manner consistent with them.
  8. The governing board has a programme for new member orientation and governing board development.
  9. The board is informed about and involved in the accreditation process.



  1. Institutional Administration and Governance



  1. The institutions Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director is appointed by the institutions' governing board and is accountable to it for his performance.
    1. The Institutional Chief Executive Officer provides effective leadership to define goals, develop plans and establish priorities for the Institution.
    2. He efficiently manages resources, implements priorities controlling the budget and expenditures, and ensures the implementation of statutes, regulations, and board policies.
  2. The Institution is administratively organized and staffed to reflect the Institution's purposes, size, and complexity. The administration provides effective and efficient leadership and management which makes possible an effective teaching and learning environment.
  3. Administrative officers are qualified by training and experience to perform their responsibilities and are evaluated systematically and regularly. The duties and responsibilities of Institutional administrators are clearly defined in the prospectus.
  4. Administration has a substantive and clearly-defined role in institutional governance. The administrative systems should be sufficiently covered.
  5. Academic staff have a substantive and clearly defined role in Institutional governance, exercise a substantial voice in matters of educational programme and academic staff personnel, and other Institutional polices which relate to their areas of responsibility and expertise.
  6. Academic staff have established a forum or other appropriate organization for providing input into Institutional governance
  7. The Institution has a written policy that identifies appropriate Institutional support for academic staff participation in governance and delineates the participation of academic staff on appropriate policy, planning and special-purpose bodies.
  8. It clearly states and publicizes the role of staff in Institutional governance.
  9. The Institution clearly states and publicizes the role of students in Institutional governance.
  10. It looks at all aspects of governance and administration, including the roles played by all constituencies of the Institution community. The Institution looks at the policies and practices of governing board and the Institution administration, as well as the role of academic staff, supporting staff and students in governance.



  1. Regulatory bodies of the institute



      The following outlines the areas of various groups required to supervise the training.

    • The Institute Academic Committee

          The Institute has a committee, which is the principal overall decision-making organ in respect of all the academic work of the Institute - in terms of teaching, research and community health service.


          Members of the committee shall consist of Principal as chairperson. The Academic Master/Head of Department will be the Secretary. Other members will be the academic staff-both full and part time tutors. One student may be co-opted.

    • Disciplinary Committee

        The members of the committee shall consist of Principal as chairperson. Head of the Department or Discipline Master will be the secretary. Other members will be Tutors, Warden, representatives of the students' government.



    1. Senior Officers of the Institute


    Institute functions are performed by the Managing Director, Principal and the Academic Master, assisted by the Administrative Officer.

    With the objective and purpose of promoting high professional standards, the Institute aspires to become a center of excellence for training of students. In view of this the institution aims at recruiting and employing suitable, mature, self-motivated and well qualified people for the job opportunities. The tenure of these jobs is two years renewable contract subject to successful completion of a six month probation period and satisfactory job performance. The organization is committed to recruit and retain only high quality staff and therefore, in addition to specific qualifications for the positions the candidates should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.